...Beautiful Things


Labadie murals
Labadie graphics


Harlig Saker...


 Beautiful things.
  You see, hear, and feel them.
  You make and do beautiful things

At HarligSaker.com, you'll find some beautiful things you may not have known about. Beautiful things to look at, sure, but also beautiful things to support and beautiful things to do. When you enhance a life - whether it's by supporting another's effort or by doing it yourself, that's a beautiful thing. When you are part of something beautiful, it's also part of you. So, browse our site and find more beautiful things for your life!


Harlig Saker is on a mission...
a mission to bring beautiful things to light which may otherwise have gone unnoticed or underappreciated
a mission to enhance lives... with beautiful things and loving deeds

Beauty being in the eye of the beholder, the perception of a beautiful thing is a matter of perspective. Sometimes, we need only have open eyes to see a beautiful thing. Other times, we notice only after our attention is called to it. Sometimes, we need another point of view to recognize the beauty.
The shared experience of a beautiful thing only makes it more beautiful. That's why Harlig Saker is here - to bring you to beautiful things - and make them more beautiful. Make life a little more beautiful for you and the lives you touch.


Harlig Saker...

Murals by James Labadie Beautiful things we make
Muralist James Labadie's work makes you feel as though you've walked right into the paintings.
James creates graphic art for custom screen printing and embroidery.

Harlig Saker...

Beautiful things we do
Enchanted Makeovers
Transforming Shelters for Women and Children
into Heartwarming Havens

Harlig Saker... Beautiful Things            info@HarligSaker.com